Past events


July 2024

14 Jul

Coastal Boat Trip

Sun 14th Jul 2024, 10:45am to 1:00pm


A 2-hour trip from Mevagissey including lunch. 

BOOKING ESSENTIAL - only 12 places available.  Contact Tracy to book: tel. 07785 741287, or email:

Open to FoLV Members only,  £10 per person. 

Meet: By the lighthouse, the outer harbour at 10.45am

June 2024

15 Jun

Wheal Martyn visit

Sat 15th Jun 2024, 10:30am to 12:30pm


A guided tour of this museum celebrating how China Clay has shaped Cornwall's landscape, its economy, and people. 

Reduced entrance fee of £7.00 for FoLV Members.  

Meet: Wheal Martyn, St Austell PL26 8XG at 10.30am

May 2024

15 May

Mapping the Luxulyan Valley's Heritage

Wed 15th May 2024, 7:30pm to 9:00pm


A presentation by David Skelhorn on the recording of the Valley's heritage and industrial past. 

Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

April 2024

27 Apr

Newquay's Blue Reef Aquarium

Sat 27th Apr 2024, 10:30am to 2:00pm


Newquay Aquarium.

Marvel at over 40 naturally themed displays and the underwater walk-through tunnel of the world's oceans.  

Reduced entrance fee of £7.50 for FoLV Members.  £10 for Non-members.

Meet: Blue Reef Aquarium, Towan Promenade, Newquay TR7 1DU at 10.30am

3 Apr

Beavers on the River Tamar (and beyond)

Wed 3rd Apr 2024, 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Beavers on the River Tamar (and beyond).
A talk by Matt Holden, Devon Beaver Project Officer.
Lanhydrock Memorial Hall, PL30 5AE, Wednesday 3rd April, 19:00 to 21:00 (approx.)

Beavers are back – after 400 years there are now free-living beavers from Cornwall to
Scotland, as well as some 35 enclosed family groups. The difference an active family of
beavers can make to the landscape is impressive, and the benefits for biodiversity, flood
alleviation, drought limitation and sustainable management are well documented. After
several mysterious arrivals and a couple of inadvertent escapes beavers have spread
widely through the river Tamar and are popping up on other catchments. Where are they
now? How can they be tracked? Are they easy to watch? How can we help in monitoring
and surveying beaver activity? What are the negatives and what support is available if
they turn up unannounced and start nibbling your trees? These and many other questions
will be addressed.
Matt is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable speaker and this will be a thought provoking
and educational evening.

Doors open at 19:00. Entry will be £3 for paid-up Cornwall Mammal Group members
and students and £5 for everyone else. You will be able to join the Group on the night
for the princely sum of £5/year. (Nov. to Nov.). The Memorial Hall is located on the B3268
just south of the Lanhydrock roundabout. SX080633, What 3 Words:nursery.gravy.protected.

Teas, coffees and cake is included. We will be holding a raffle to raise money to support the Devon Beaver Project (it
covers a big chunk of Cornwall, so that’s OK).

Enquiries: or check out our website

March 2024

8 Mar

Work Party - Coppicing & dog runs

Fri 8th Mar 2024, 9:30am to 3:30pm


Near the incline, repairing dog runs in the leat in that area and a little coppicing (after checking for nesting birds!) 

Meet: Ponts Mill Car Park SX0728856150 at 9.15 or on site at 9.30

6 Mar

Annual General Meeting

Wed 6th Mar 2024, 7:45pm to 9:00pm



Followed by Lakes Pottery, Truro.

A presentation by Tracy Elliot on the pottery often labelled 'The Original Cornish Pottery'.

Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2

February 2024

28 Feb

Connections between Lanhydrock and the Liskeard District

Wed 28th Feb 2024, 7:30pm to 9:00pm


Connections between
Lanhydrock and the Liskeard District
BrianOldham has kindly agreed to do a talk on 'Connections between
Lanhydrock and the Liskeard District'

Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2

9 Feb

Work Party - Coppicing, widening and dog runs

Fri 9th Feb 2024, 9:30am to 3:30pm


Working around the junction of the Velvet Path and the Tramway, re-clearing the walls and coppicing there and close to the bench on the leat path.

More dog run repairs. 


Meet: Black Hill car park SX 05838 57303 

January 2024

17 Jan

Cornish Crosses

Wed 17th Jan 2024, 7:30pm to 9:00pm


Cornish Crosses.

A presentation by Andrew Langdon on their distribution, age, design and reasons for being set up. 

Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2

December 2023

8 Dec

Work Party - Lower Tramway

Fri 8th Dec 2023, 9:30am to 3:30pm


Ride widening on the Lower Tramway and re-clearing the Trevanney Dries. 

Meet: Ponts Mill car park SX0728856150 9.15 or on site 9.30

6 Dec

Seagrass Beds of St Austell Bay- change to schedule

Wed 6th Dec 2023, 7:30pm to 9:00pm


A presentation by Katie Bellman on St Austell Seagrass.

St Austell Bay  has one of the largest subtidal seagrass beds in the UK and seagrass is one of the fastest methods of carbon capture. 


Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2


We hope that the previously scheduled talk on Boconnoc: it is the Paradise of Cornwall can be rescheduled in the next year. 

November 2023

15 Nov

Time and Tide Bell - change to schedule

Wed 15th Nov 2023, 7:30pm to 9:00pm

In a change to the original schedule November's talk is now to be a presentation on the Time and Tide Bell by Phil Gadd.  


Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall, PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2


We hope that the previously scheduled talk on John Smeaton - Civil Engineer can be rescheduled in the next year. 

10 Nov

Work Party - Hedge laying and dog runs

Fri 10th Nov 2023, 9:30am to 3:30pm


Meadows area, finishing the hedges by the Velvet Path and the relaying hedge below the leat plus leak and dog run repairs. 

Meet: Black Hill car park Black Hill car park SX 05838 57303 


October 2023

20 Oct

Work Party - Incline hedge and dog runs

Fri 20th Oct 2023, 9:30am to 3:30pm


Cutting back the hedging beside the Incline, repairing dog runs in that area and other odd jobs. 

Meet: Ponts Mill car park SX0728856150 9.15 or on site 9.30

18 Oct

The Vicar of Warleggan

Wed 18th Oct 2023, 7:30pm to 9:00pm


The Vicar of Warleggan.

A presentation by John Keast on The Reverend Densham who for many years preached to an empty church. 

Meet: Luxulyan Village Hall PL30 5QA

Members - Free. Non-members - £2

September 2023

29 Sep

Work Party - Hedge laying and dog runs

Fri 29th Sep 2023, 9:30am to 3:30pm

Finishing the hedge by the Velvet Path and relaying the hedge below the leat, plus leak and dog run repairs. 

Meet at Black Hill Car Park at 09.30, SX 05838 57303

17 Sep

Coastal Boat Trip

Sun 17th Sep 2023, 10:45am to 1:00pm


Coastal Boat Trip.

A 2-hour trip from Mevagissey including lunch. 

BOOKING ESSENTIAL - only 12 places available.  Tel. Tracy 07785 741287 or email

Meet: By the lighthouse, the outer harbour, at 10.45am

Open to FoLV Members only - £10 p/p

August 2023

19 Aug

A Walk in the Luxulyan Valley

Sat 19th Aug 2023, 10:30am to 12:30pm


A Walk in the Luxyulyan Valley.

Led by Gerry Brain we'll be exploring some of the Valley's rich history.

Meet: Ponts Mill car park at 10.30am. Map ref. SX 072 562.

Members - Free. Non-members - £2

July 2023

31 Jul

Breney Common Nature Reserve Guided Walk

Mon 31st Jul 2023, 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Guided Walk at Breney Common Nature Reserve, led by Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Reserves Officer.

Meet at 5pm at Gunwen Chapel (PL30 5DU or SX052612)

A one hour walk, suitable for families, followed by Refreshments in the Chapel including a virtual treasure hunt. 


For more information contact:

Free.  Donations gratefully received towards the CWT Rewilding Helman Tor Appeal. 

28 Jul

Work Party - Balsam Pulling +

Fri 28th Jul 2023, 9:30am to 1:30pm

Balsam pulling plus (2) 

Meadows area, balsam plus other jobs (walling, trees on the dries, growth cutting, rhodo clearance or dog runs, depending on what is needed most.)  

Meet 9.30am at Black Hill car park SX 05838 57303